Associations Found Between Oral Health and General Health

TAKE-HOME MESSAGE In this study, 9971 records from the 2015–2016 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey were assessed to determine the association between self-reported poor oral health and systemic health conditions. Substantial associations were seen with poor oral health and poor mental health, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, and other associations with physical activity/functioning, vision, hearing, genitourinary symptoms, and hepatitis. These associations continue to show a link between poor oral health and poor systemic health. Causation or the mechanisms of the associations were not determined or assessed, but the associations described in this study were clear. – James Boynton, DDS, MS OBJECTIVE This proof of concept study uses data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) to explore potential associations between oral and systemic health in a survey-wide association study (SWAS). BASIC RESEARCH DESIGN Data f...